Towards a new path to energy and healing

"To connect with your life force is to tap into the universal energy that
flows through all living things, enabling profound healing and growth."
Christian D. Larson

How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques
How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques

Spiritual Healing Techniques

Successful spiritual techniques to boost energy and healing

There is immense power in true spiritual knowledge. If you know how to use this power, you can cure your fatigue and achieve much more in life. There are proven spiritual healing techniques that can boost your energy levels to a tremendous level. Here, you can learn about some of these techniques, discover brilliant spiritual teachers, and books I recommend. You will be introduced to safe and successful spiritual techniques that are universal and beyond any religion. Additionally, you will understand the huge importance of our life force energy and its role in our well-being and a healthy life.
While a balanced diet and natural remedies are essential steps to overcoming fatigue, the most profound healing comes from applying the right spiritual knowledge.

How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques

What is a successful spiritual healing technique?

Before sharing with you those proven spiritual healing techniques that are safe, reliable, and effective, I will say a word about the harmful spiritual teachings and practices that exist in so many places on the internet. Many of them can cause harm if used and mislead many people.
If you are serious and motivated enough to cure your fatigue, you will want to use only what is best and safe for you.

In my research to cure fatigue, I have found all sorts of spiritual teachings and practices that promise to ‘balance your energy’ or simply give you more energy. Some were quite good, but many more were false or even dangerous.
All sorts of cults promise almost instant healing through chanting mantras, using the ‘violet flame’, reiki, or manipulating your chakras. There are also lots of so-called ‘distant healers’ who claim to send you the much-needed healing energy.
I don’t say there is no truth in practices such as reiki or working with ‘chakras’. However, most people who claim to heal others using these practices have no idea what they are doing. It can be dangerous trying to manipulate all those energies of the body because when it comes to reiki, the person often has no idea what they are working with, how their body functions and what sort of energies they use to correct any imbalance.

As for chakras, or the energy centers of our body, there are many videos and people who claim they can ‘balance’ or heal your chakras. While I strongly believe these energy centers are real, I also believe they are best left alone. I have yet to find someone who truly understands how to work with these centers without causing harm to the mind or body.
Even chakra videos can be dangerous because music and sound frequencies hold great power. If they are not properly designed to suit the unique needs of your mind and body, they can cause harm.

Eventually, after years of research, I found that the best way to heal yourself is through the inner powers of your own mind and soul, rather than depending on others to do the healing for you.
This means that with the right knowledge, you can develop these inner powers. It involves practicing certain spiritual exercises and cultivating a special type of awareness through meditation to gain more life force energy, while also eliminating stress and harmful mental habits that waste precious energy and create negativity.

What is a successful spiritual technique for fatigue? It could be a spiritual exercise that helps you gain more life force energy from your surroundings, a powerful meditation that connects you to your body on a deeper level and makes you feel more alive, or one that helps you remove stress from your mind and body. Stress and anxiety are major contributors to fatigue, and they can drain you of your energy.

I have discovered that the best authors and teachers who promote these successful and practical techniques are Christian D. Larson and Eckhart Tolle. The knowledge and spiritual exercises I present here are based on their teachings. The deep wisdom of both teachers can help you cure your fatigue and transform your life.

How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques

Spiritual Exercises

A powerful way to increase your life force energy

There are many good and healthy ways to increase your life force energy. You don’t need to do complicated yoga sessions to achieve this. How alive do you feel right now? Do you know what it means to be truly alive?
If you suffer from extreme fatigue, you are likely emotionally drained most of the time. You may struggle to achieve your goals and sometimes even to hold a job.

What is life force energy? Life force energy, often referred to as ‘prana,’ ‘chi,’ ‘mana,’ or ‘vital energy’ in spiritual traditions, is the subtle yet powerful force that animates all living beings. From a spiritual perspective, it flows through and around our bodies, sustaining our physical, mental, and emotional health. When this energy is balanced and abundant, we experience vitality, mental clarity, and emotional well-being. However, disruptions, blockages, or a severe lack of this energy can lead to fatigue, illness, and emotional distress. Cultivating and maintaining life force energy through spiritual exercises, meditation, and mindful living is essential for optimal energy levels and mental harmony. I cannot emphasize enough the crucial importance of life force energy— we simply need energy to achieve anything.

Perhaps you want to invest more in your career or be more productive. You may have dreams and meaningful goals in life. You may want to become more successful, or simply feel better.
The best thing you can do in life is to invest in yourself on a spiritual level. I will introduce you to some spiritual exercises from a rare and valuable book, ‘Healing Yourself’ by Christian D. Larson. This book is a must-read.
The author explains in his book why the best remedy for curing an illness like fatigue is to supply your mind and body with enough energy through specific, powerful spiritual exercises.
These exercises, which I have practiced myself and continue to practice daily, are very powerful, and some are easy to learn. They include The Super-Physical Breath, Using the Power of Your Will, Interior Relaxation, the Power of Imagination, and more. These practices can boost your life force energy to an exceptional level.

As the author of the book says: ‘It is impossible for any form of disease—physical or mental, organic or functional—to enter the human system as long as that system is abundantly supplied with vital energy.’ Every type of fatigue results from a lack of this vital energy. Now you know the answer. This illness, like many others, doesn’t have only an organic cause but a spiritual one as well. In other words, you need to replenish your vital energy in order to function normally.

In the spiritual exercise called the Super-Physical Breath (which you can find in my blog section), the author discusses the existence of a finer energy in the air.
This finer energy can be absorbed from the air to a much greater degree if you do this breathing exercise and it’s already absorbed naturally every time you breathe. Please don’t mistake this for New Age nonsense. These exercises are more like a spiritual science. If practiced regularly over a 2–3 month period, they can deeply improve your life. With serious practice, you may begin to see the benefits and experience increased energy levels within the first weeks.

Healing Yourself” by Christian D. Larson is a must-read, an amazing and rare book. You can either purchase the book for a small amount from an official source or if you cannot afford it, download it for free from various sites on the internet.

How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques

The Healing Power of Meditation

The relationship between negative thinking, stress and fatigue

It’s a well-known fact that negative thinking, stress, depression and anxiety can all lead to fatigue and all sorts of illnesses, including mental fatigue and burnout.
Mental illness and medication can be a leading cause of fatigue. Mental traumas, anxieties and depression are all energy-consuming and they make you disconnected from your own body, surroundings and the present moment.
To stop wasting your precious life-force energy, learning how to tame your mind is crucial. You can achieve this through the healing power of meditation.

Even today, the power of meditation is underrated and misunderstood. Through correct meditation, you can achieve levels of healing beyond your expectations. You can connect to your body on a deeper level and feel more alive. You can dissolve most of your stress, frustrations, anxieties and tiredness if you work with your body, using a correct and safe meditation.

There are many types of meditation on the internet. Most are inspired by Oriental religions like Buddhism and Hinduism. Others are inspired by New Age movements or even authors without any religious affiliation.
If you suffer from an extreme form of fatigue, stress or anxiety, not all of these meditations are suitable for you. Some of them are good, but others can do harm. A correct meditation doesn’t teach you to force your mind to focus on anything external, like an object, and waste more energy in the end. Instead, a correct and safe meditation for fatigue is meant to connect you more to your body and its life force energy so that you become stronger and feel more alive.

To calm your mind and body, and become free from stress, depression, or anxiety, I recommend mindfulness meditation.

In this meditation, you observe and become aware of your feelings in different regions of your body (your cravings, repulsions, worries, desires, love or hate, tiredness and exhaustion) and thoughts (negative, positive or neutral) and how they come and go. Observing your thoughts and feelings, and seeing them as merely transitory states of consciousness, is a powerful way to stop being possessed and drained by them. You explore them, without trying to change them.
You can also observe your entire body in a non-attached manner.

And remember, feelings are not suppressed. They are to be felt in the body, observed and explored. And is it not wonderful to explore your body, feelings or thoughts and ultimately the life that exists in you? Just observe all this life and state of consciousness without trying to change anything.
Feeling, exploring and releasing suppressed feelings stuck in your body, can unleash massive amounts of energy.

How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques

A good and safe meditation for fatigue

A good and safe meditation for fatigue is one that connects you to your body on a deep level, making you more alive and in touch with your innate life force energy. One of the best authors who teaches such meditations is Eckhart Tolle. His main teachings focus on living more in your body and presence.

Eckhart Tolle is a well-known spiritual teacher and one of the best authors in this field. He shares practical and spiritual techniques to tame your mind and live in the present moment. This is an effective way to deal with fatigue because it stops you from wasting your life-force energy on stress, worries, and anxieties.

Eckhart Tolle’s understanding of the mind, consciousness, and human problems is unique. The Power of Now is a guide to spiritual enlightenment that teaches you how to live in the present, free from the sufferings and illusions created by the mind.

Living in the present moment and being more grounded in your body connects you more deeply to yourself and your physical presence, which is a powerful way to gain energy and feel more alive.

Most people live in their heads and are consumed by their personal dramas. They tell themselves stories of likes and dislikes, love and hate, fear and craving, and are easily provoked and upset, unaware that they are more than just their minds. Living too much in the mind also makes you less aware of your body and your surroundings.

Another concept Eckhart Tolle teaches is ‘Presence.’ At the heart of everything is a timeless, eternal sense of being. The eternal ‘Now‘ and the inner awareness of your physical body are gateways to this Presence.

In this video, Eckhart Tolle explains where Presence comes from. I think this ‘Presence’ can also be called ‘Being’ or our inner feeling of ‘Existence.’

I discovered that a good and safe meditation for fatigue is to meditate on your own inner feeling of existence. The gateway is your body. This means meditating on the feeling of being alive in your body.
Find a quiet place, preferably close to nature and practice the following meditation:
Focus on that sense of existence or presence. One way to connect to this feeling is by asking yourself: Who am I (in this body)? You don’t need to answer philosophically; just become aware of the fact that you are unique, and the way you feel in your body is also unique.
You exist, and you are alive. Focus on that unique feeling of existing and being alive in your body.

During this meditation, keep your mind silent and focus on your body, its energy, and how it feels from within. Feel your body more. Feel yourself living more inside your body and becoming more alive.

This meditation helps you get in touch with your life-force energy and gain more energy as a result because you become what you focus on and attune to. But I wonder: How many people are truly aware of the fact that they exist and are alive? How many people live their entire lives in their minds, filled with drama, worries, stress, and tiredness?

I recommend everyone suffering from fatigue, stress, depression, or anxiety read The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. I also recommend getting a physical copy of the book because it is life-changing. It can teach you to see and live life differently, free from the suffering caused by the mind and its unnecessary drama. This is when you start to live.
Another great book by the same author is Stillness Speaks.

How to Cure Fatigue | Spiritual Healing Techniques

The Power of Faith and Prayer

Our connection to God, the source of all life and energy in the entire universe

What do you do if you have tried every possible method to cure your fatigue and you are still tired? Perhaps you are very tired, tired of life and everything. Do you suffer from stress, anxiety or depression that make your fatigue worse? Do you feel you don’t have the energy or means to try the above spiritual healing techniques?

If you feel you are not prepared to try the above techniques for whatever reason, this is ok. Don’t use them. You can try something much greater than any spiritual healing technique, diet or herbal remedies. What is this? This is building a relationship with God, your Creator, the source of all life and energy in the entire universe. He can provide you with whatever energy you need and already does. How? Where do you think that plants, animals and humans ultimately take their energy from? Why do you need sleep to renew your energy? And what happens during sleep? These are great questions to ponder.

Who made the sun, one of the main sources of life on earth? Who made the water, the air and all the elements that are essential for life?
Even if you are sick, your body already functions well to a great degree. Who is behind the natural workings of your organs, your automatic breathing, your mind and mental processes, your ability to think organized thoughts and especially your ability to feel a full range of feelings and emotions, such as love or hope?
And what is this life force energy? Where does your energy come from?
I believe all the energy on this planet and the entire universe, ultimately comes from God.

How do you have a living relationship with God? How do you experience His Power and Presence into your life? The best way to have such a life-changing relationship is through a powerful faith and prayer life, a powerful Christian faith.
A powerful faith and prayer life can attract God’s presence into your own life. This will give your life meaning, motivation and energy. It will also give you peace and rest.
Jesus said: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30).
Weary and burdened… So many people find themselves in this situation. But Jesus promised us rest for our souls. God will give you an easy yoke if you love Him and listen to His Word.
The devil and the world will give you a hard yoke if you listen to them. Even pursuing too many worldly pursuits can lead to stress and fatigue in the end.

You can connect to God through prayer, a strong faith, Christian music, reading the Bible, going to church or even having holy icons in your rooms and contemplating Him, His saints, angels and Heaven. All it takes is an honest desire to know Him, discipline and perseverance. Connecting yourself to God can give you undreamed levels of energy, healing, motivation and purpose in life.
This is not very hard. And there are people who cured much worse illnesses than fatigue through God’s help. What is a condition like fatigue to God?

There is much power in prayer. When you pray, you can talk to God like you talk to a friend or someone very close. Tell him about all your troubles and needs. God is the source of all life. He can redeem you from your mental and spiritual state of fatigue and ‘death’ and make you a born-again human being, someone alive and with renewed energy.

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

God can also help you overcome any harmful habits and fatigue triggers in your life. All you need is the sincere desire and perseverance to bring His Presence into your life.

In the unlikely situation that you cannot completely cure your fatigue due to other complications or for whatever reason and there is still some fatigue or tiredness left, you should know that there were saints, like Amy Carmichael, who achieved a lot in her life, despite her physical and mental circumstances. She suffered from fatigue and neuralgia her whole life and then from a terrible injury, and yet she dedicated her life to God and she found the energy to accomplish many things making the world a better place.

And remember, ultimately God wants you to be in Heaven with Him, in a heavenly realm and society, where illnesses and conditions like anxiety, depression and fatigue don’t exist, where love, peace, joy and energy are in abundance.


If you use the spiritual healing techniques presented here, you will see progress in your life within a matter of weeks. I especially recommend the spiritual exercises of Christian Larson. You simply need to learn more about them, read his books, and practice his advice and spiritual exercises. I also share one of his spiritual exercises in my blog.
Combining the best diet and herbal remedies with these spiritual healing techniques can work wonders in your life.

Cultivating a prayer life and strong faith will also have a profound and life-changing impact.
You are not meant to remain stuck in fatigue for the rest of your life. You are meant to achieve many things as a human on this planet. Humans have an amazing capacity to evolve when we tap into our potential. And our potential is great.
I wish you great success and healing on your journey to recovery from fatigue.